Monday, August 8, 2011

A presentation on IMS and PI might be coming

After a hiatus in 2010 due to a career change, it's now time to start writing papers and building presentations again. I'll be submitting a paper for Cooper EAS's 2011 Smart Grid conference which will consist of my experience with a major Yukon IMS deployment I've been involved with as an IT architect. I'll also explain how we used the SMP gateway to link substations to the OSISoft PI data historian in order to collect critical data.

I'm not in academia so my work is in no way scientific. Furthermore, I'm part of a huge team which counts a fair share of people from IT operations, control engineering and electrical engineering, so my view is mostly IT-centric.

There are many air travel restrictions at the office so I hope I'll be able to make it. The worst case scenario would be driving from Montreal to Minneapolis for which, if it's any consolation, won't require a full body scan.


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